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Insecurity- Do people give them or just validate

"Insecurty-Lack of self assurance or uncertainty." -When you have to ask someone else about how you look or when you don't feel confidence in yourself or whatever you do, and you need somebody to validate every-time then that's being insecure.

So that terms "Insecurity" as lack of self assurance or uncertainty about oneself. "When someone is insecure they will do anything to put other's down." -An insecure person will do anything to feel better about themselves even if that means putting other people down. They will run down on others' looks and point out how ugly someone else is or brag about their own successes or even disparage someone's else's successes just to prove how better they are from someone just to show how assured they're which at times is confused with confidence. But actually people who are sure of oneself have no need to brag. "Unrealistic expectations from life or oneself can cause insecurity." -Insecurity can be caused from various reasons like upset in daily life, a crisis or bankruptcy etc. can be a cause of insecurity for routine events. It can also be a cause of parents' desire for their child to achieve success which could be an unrealistic level and pushing the child too much. "Even the simplest words like you're cool or i love you can help an insecure person." -Whatever be the cause of the insecurity, if someone we know is suffering from the same we should be help them. First of all never tell them they're wrong instead try to reassure them in a way that will bring self compassion because they need to learn to not need any external validation. Saying phrases like they're cool or you love them can feel odd but do take the lead. Asking how you can help them or just going for a walk with them could be really valuable. Insecurity kills all that is beautiful.
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