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Persistently feeling guilty for various reasons

"Being guilty is normal as we are humans and we make mistakes" -Have I done something wrong? Did I hurt the other person by saying something I wasn't meant to? Could I have done better?

Was the issue happened a result of my wrongdoing? These are some of the examples of the types of guilt people often have. Since err is to human so feeling guilty for our mistakes is no wrong.

"Guilt allows us to figure out that we made a mistake" -Guilt is an emotion that we feel about how the actions we do affect people around us. Feeling guilty for our wrongs is important as it helps us keep understanding of our ethics and morals. It also reminds us to act the right way and not take the wrong path on the future. Since, guilt allows us to figure out that we have done something wrong, it is the reason why we feel the need to apologise and make a change in future. "Excess guilt can invoke feelings of shame and self doubt" -Even though guilt is helpful in the right amount, excessive guilt can be unhelpful and interfere with daily life by invoking feeling of shame and self doubt and low self esteem. Acting against our beliefs or family value can make us feel guilty all the time and can lead to emotional and mental distress leading to anxiety or depression. "Pine as a way to treat feeling guilty for no reason" -Pine, one of the flowers of Bach flower therapy is shown to instill knowledge in people that dwelling on the mistakes is not the right way to help and removes feeling of self doubt and improves self esteem. So since guilt is important but as excess of anything is harmful. Similarly excess guilt can destroy the joy of living.

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