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Recovering From Spinal Surgery

Spinal surgery is a significant technique that can help avoid further damage to the spine, enhance mobility, and relieve persistent back pain. Even though recovery can be challenging, there are a few dos and don'ts that can make patients' rehabilitation go as smoothly and swiftly as feasible. While spinal stenosis, scoliosis, herniated discs, and spinal fractures can all be treated with spine surgeries, the recovery from these procedures can be rather lengthy and necessitate intensive post-operative care. The healing process can be accelerated by adhering to your physiotherapist's advice and providing proper post-operative care.



Spine procedures are used to treat a variety of spine problems. Due to the complexity of these procedures, a substantial amount of post-operative care is necessary for a safe recovery. The length of recovery following spinal surgery might vary based on the patient's age, health, and degree of fitness as well as the extent of the procedure. Nonetheless, there are a few dos and don'ts that might aid in a patient's safe and speedy recovery.


Do's for fast recovery after Spinal Surgeries:

1. Attend physiotherapy

A crucial component of the healing process following spinal surgery is physiotherapy. A physiotherapist can assist you in creating a personalized exercise program that will strengthen your back muscles, increase your range of motion, and aid in recovery. Moreover, physiotherapy can lessen discomfort and avert issues. As instructed by your therapist, show up to all of your physiotherapy sessions.

2. Move around frequently:

After spine surgery, bed rest is no longer advised for postoperative recovery. Rather, it's critical to walk about often to enhance circulation, avoid blood clots, and stop muscular atrophy. During the initial phases of recuperation, your physical therapist suggests taking short walks multiple times a day. You can progressively increase your level of activity as you heal, under the guidance of your therapist.

3. Practice good posture:

Proper posture is essential for maintaining the health of the spine, preventing back discomfort, and accelerating healing. It's critical to have proper posture when sitting, standing, and walking following surgery. Practice sitting, standing, and walking with your spine in a neutral position to prevent slouching. Using a back brace or other supporting equipment could be necessary. 

4. Eat a healthy diet:

A healthy, well-balanced diet can aid in the promotion of recovery and the avoidance of problems. Your body requires nutrition after surgery to recover strength and heal damaged tissues. Try to eat foods high in protein, vitamins, and minerals to help repair damaged tissue and bolster your immune system. Incorporate whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein, and an abundance of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Steer clear of processed and high-fat foods as they can impede healing by causing inflammation.


Don'ts for fast recovery after spinal surgeries:

1.    Don't smoke:

Smoking can accelerate the healing process following spinal surgery and raise the possibility of problems. Nicotine narrows blood vessels, which lowers oxygen and blood flow to the tissues that are recovering. This may impede the healing process and raise the possibility of infection and other issues. To guarantee a full recovery following surgery, smokers must give up before and after the procedure.

2.    Avoid bending and twisting:

Your spine may become strained from bending and twisting, which may slow the healing process. It is imperative that you do not bend or twist your spine when you are healing after spinal surgery. This covers motions like turning and picking up objects off the ground. When your physiotherapist tells you to start these activities again, do as instructed. 

3.    Avoid sitting or standing for long periods:

Long periods of standing or sitting might strain your spine and impede its repair. Take regular pauses to stretch and adjust your position. 

4.    Avoid heavy lifting:

Heavy lifting can put stress on your spine and disrupt the healing process.

For best physiotherapy services in gurgaon at clinic or at home call us at +919560264949 to book an appointment now

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