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What is my sphere of control and what is not!

"Responsibilities, priority clashes, things beyond our control can be overwhelming."- Let's start this one freestyle and we'll see what comes through. So, let's *snap snap*, looks like you're not mentally here already. This happens to almost all of us all the time, we keep dwelling on things that are beyond our control which is a waste of energy that could be used elsewhere. Responsibilities, clashes between priorities and worries about future can easily overwhelm us with anxiety. "Getting trapped in ruminating over stuff we can't control can erode our resilience."- Everything happening in our lives falls under three categories. These are:- 1. Things we have full control over like our behaviour. 2. Things we can influence like other's behavior. 3. Things that are beyond our control or influence. Unfortunately, it is easy to get trapped ruminating on things we can't control or influence but this makes our resilience erode quickly. The way to escape is just to accept. Sounds easy but isn't that much. "Acceptance is the key in dealing with the worries about things that are beyond our control."- Acceptance is not that easy, as we might be able to accept what is in our control or influence, but we struggle to accept what is beyond our control. For example, if we are about to address some big social issue, then instead of just getting overwhelmed with helplessness we can take small steps in our control that will actually make an impact. Following this approach, can make positive changes in our life will help us remember what is outside our control and remind us of the power we have to make a positive change which will also be a motivation. "Try letting go of the complaints or look at them differently for the things beyond our control."- For an activity, list all the complaints in your work and personal life and label them as in your control, in your influence, and beyond control/influence. Read the complaints outside your control and see how your body reacts. Now see if these complaints can be looked at differently so you somehow have some control over them. Other complaints outside your control, will there be some you'd like to let go of? The others in your control are what you can work on and add to your self-esteem.

Still feeling you'd like someone to help in figuring this out further. You can book an appointment for any type of mental counseling at 9560264949.

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